How to Hang Patio String Lights to A Tree

Outdoor backyard lights and backyard string lights are more than mere accessories; no, string lights have shown time and time again to complete the overall look of any outdoor space. One charming and inviting way that you can decorate your outdoor space is by hanging string lights on a tree. But how exactly do you put your lights on your backyard tree in a way that will really enhance your space?

In today’s article, we will guide you through the safe and proper technique of hanging string lights. With these tips and step-by-step procedures, you can enhance your outdoor space with patio lighting.

Why Patio String Lights?

Patio string lights are more than just a way to light up your outdoor space. They add a cozy and warm touch that can turn an ordinary evening into a memorable one. Whether you're enjoying a quiet night with your family or hosting a lively party with friends, these lights can create an enchanting atmosphere that will make everyone feel welcome.

photo by The Makerista

With their warm and inviting glow, patio string lights have the power to transform any outdoor gathering into an unforgettable experience. Don't settle for a dull and uninspiring outdoor space; add some charm and ambiance with exterior patio lights.

What to Do Before You Buy

If you're planning to hang some lights, don't rush into the process. There are a few important steps to follow first. Here are some tips that can help you accomplish the task with ease:

1. Choose the right location: When choosing the best spot for our lights, be sure to pick a location that will be seen from the seating area and enhance the overall space.

2. Measure the distance: It’s important to measure the distance between the tree and the power source to determine the length of lights you need (You can’t use the lights without the power!)

3. Pick a sturdy tree: It’s essential that when choosing a tree to hang your lights, you account for its ability to withstand the weight. Pick a tree that is sturdy and strong.

4. Consider essential features: When you are picking out your exterior patio lights, you should consider investing in lights with additional features. For example, you may want lights that are shatter-resistant, weather-proof, and/or LED and colorful.

How to Hang the Lights

Supplies You'll Need:

  • Drill
  • Patio lights
  • Lights hanging kit
  • Ladder with extension
  • Lighting extension lead (if necessary)

Okay, now what you really came here to learn: the steps to hanging your outdoor patio lights. Follow these quick 4 steps for proper installation:

1. Test the Lights

Before starting the installation process, it's essential to ensure that the backyard string lights are working correctly. Plug them into a power source and test each bulb to confirm their functionality. Keep the lights unplugged during the installation process to avoid any accidents.

photo from Ollny customer

2. Attach Lights to the Tree Trunk

Using clips or hooks specifically designed for outdoor use, attach one end of the string lights securely to the trunk of the tree. Ensure that the attachment is tight and capable of supporting the weight of the lights. Start at the bottom of the trunk and work your way up, spacing the clips or hooks evenly along the trunk.

photo from ashleybrooke

3. Drape Lights Along Branches

Once you have reached the branches, you can begin to drape the lights over them. While wrapping the branches, follow the tree's natural curves and contours. It is also important to ensure an even spacing distribution throughout the branches and around the base.

photo from ashleybrooke

4. Secure the End and Connect to Power

When you've reached the end of the branches, secure the end of the string lights using clips or hooks. Double-check all connections to ensure that they are secure. Finally, plug the lights into the power source, following the manufacturer's instructions for safe outdoor use.

photo from ashleybrooke

Where to Buy Your String Lights

If you're looking to buy backyard string lights, look no further than Ollny! As a leading provider of high-quality string lights, we offer a vast selection of fairy lights, LED lights, globe lights, and more.

Our user-friendly website offers a seamless shopping experience, and we pride ourselves on providing affordable pricing and free shipping on orders over a certain amount. So, why wait? Visit us today and find the perfect string lights for your needs!

➡️ How to Hang Outdoor String Lights

➡️ How to Hang Patio Lights to Create Ambiance

➡️ 6 Ways to Hang String Lights Outdoors

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